Monday, 22 October 2012

12: No face

DK 981 stood for a minute:

'What the hell is going on my head' she thought. 'I must go there, face him, improvise a little, see where it leads me'.

She thought about being programmed to do a certain action, she thought of other, non-intelligent robots having no fear, she considered the vastness of the universe awaiting, she caressed her swords. 'Fuck that shite', she said loudly to herself. I can do this, and if I can't, I have enough AI storage to expand. I will learn and move on'.

Unlike other robots her system was based upon self-learning. The Creator- Mother has told her in the past: 'It is very important to remember to not give up in this business. The thunder strikes you and you remain there to learn the consequences until you are ready to pick up your pieces: there are challenges for robots like you too and within an expansion of time we must prove that we are able to overcome all obstacles and we are ready to defeat anything that comes aggressively towards our way'.

'Well, something wicked is most certainly coming my way' she thought.  As her artificial neurons where created and crafted by a human she was able to feel a few, mild emotional ups and downs. They were still frustrating. Most likely, her belief in the Supreme Overlord of the Universe was starting to fade. Her insides were frozen, he could not activate her as a pleasure model. She remained unmoved, indifferent, borderline cruel. A sad and boring defense mechanism.

'Maybe all I need is a little service' she thought. 'Maybe my Artificial Brain needs a little service too'.
She looked up at the sky. She sighed: 'I wish they was a god like humans think there is. I wish she could help me right now. I wish she was a female so she could understand'.  She sat on her couch, wrapped herself in a blanket and fell asleep. In her dream a red haired woman came, she had bright blue eyes and high cheekbones. She pressed her hands firmly on DK 981s chest. She held her close and whispered: 'it's not over yet, it might never be over, never'.

DK 981s nightmares where a common derivative of her massive General Index. It was really, nothing to seriously worry about, but with the Supreme Overlord absent, her mind wondered in weird paths. She knew how to deal with it: she slowly started changing her nightmare into a different kind of dream: she was lying on the sofa in the dark when someone came really close to her and whispered in her ear: 'You are not ready yet, are you? Not before you try this'. He placed a sea shell over her ear. Music came out of it and spread a feeling of euphoria all over her brain and body. She relaxed while he came on top of her; he spread her legs with his thighs and caressed them with his hands. She lifted her upper body in the dark and searched for his face with her  hands. When she touched him she felt a stubble, some wrinkles and a wide smile. She let go of her guard as he went down on her with his mouth and stayed there until she was trembling and shaking a rather silent but powerful orgasmic feeling. As she was climaxing, she held her thighs tightly against his face, prolonging the feeling. Her senses felt this sort of cosmic euphoria overflowing but when she gained her senses, he was not there anymore. She finally fell asleep, a dreamless, quiet sleep.

In her dream, he had no face. She decided to call him in her dreams somehow, this no-face entity seemed to please her and make her eager to get back to her robotic reality.

She remembered the words of the creator: 'Hide your pearl from the pigs'.